As standard member (free) in order to
increase your
HPower you will have to do some
missions a
number of times and will get a
chest for you to claim/open up and receive different rewards including HPower.
The higher the missions you unlock and complete, will yield higher HPower and other rewards.
Missions |
Each mission you complete will push the
level/progress bar at
100% and once it's done will move you up to the next level with mining duration extended longer.
level/progress_bar |
In order for you to avail your mission is at least collect some
energy (refill) and by doing so you'll be given with
simple url shortening sites to visit and solve some media/captcha to earn energy.
refill_energy |
So keep refilling your energy and complete missions to level up faster and collect more HPower.
energy_collected |
Consider this as their
anti-bot verification to avoid abuse from users and at the same time their way to monetize their site.
energy_refill_links_to_comply |
more energy you have the
more missions you can make so depending on what level you are that would be the limit of energy that you can collect, so the more you progress to a higher level that would also be your energy limit.
Aside from HPower you will also receive
crystals, cards, satoshis, ltc, coins and more when completing a mission just make sure to
claim your
chest when the timer runs out.
claim_chest |
Aside from missions to claim your chests to receive numerous rewards, make sure to visit the
QUEST section where you can claim chest when you meet the requirement being asked.
Quest_section |
Once you see a
CLAIM button means you are entitled for such rewards
claim_rewards |
Now to open your claimed chest simply go to CMW tab and select My Chests and open it
My_chest |
ready_to_open_chest |
Just hover your mouse pointer to the side aligned with your chest and click to receive your HPower, cards, crystals etc
open_chest_click_on_the_side |
Now if you collect more crystals that would be needed to activate the
Mining tab of the game and can be used to
unlock numerous chests if you want to get more random rewards
unlock_more_chests |
Depending on your level that would also be the number of crystals needed to start mining your chosen coins.
mine_coins |
get more crystals, try to level up your account until you unlock
missions 5 and
10 as it has an option to mine for more crystals to suit your needs.
crystal_mining_mission_5_&_10 |
So basically that's just how you get started to mine your favorite coins virtually but wait there's more!
Don't forget to check and claim your daily bonus and don't miss a day to maintain the
current multiplicator if you do miss a day will reset back to 1
daily_bonus |
Keep claiming your bonus as you never know what awaits
claim_daily_bonus |
If you remember that you get random rewards like
crypto coinz, crystals, satoshis etc from
chests you may
upgrade those
cards using those
crypto coinz and either use the card in CMW (crypto mining war) game
my_cards |
Crypto Mining War game online battle arena
crypto_mining_war |
or simply
sell your
cards at the
market place and indicate what you want to swap our cards for, you may also sell other items like chest, btc, doge etc
market_place |
Now if you think you had enough think again as there are other added bonus ways to earn like viewing ads or doing surveys
earn_more |
Plus don't forget to share your links to get commissions from referrals
invite_friends_to_join |
Lastly you can
withdraw your mined coins directly to
Faucethub (1.5% fee) or convert them as
HPower (free of charge)
withdraw_options |
That's summarize all on how to get started with cryptomining game as try to explore the other features like VMP, lottery, gifts etc
Sign up under my link I would truly appreciate!
Watch out for the new version of CMG with improved website UI.
Feel free to drop your comments below and share this to friends if you found this helpful.
Happy mining folks! Cheers!